At KFS we care about everyone having access to what we believe are the safest and most efficient mechanics for fast pitch softball. We want to spread this information to our local community. Everything on this page is part of the KFS mechanical philosophy.
Note: Not everything we have listed on here is free, but most of it is. Also, we will continue to update this page as we come across more resources for coaching and that show proper mechanics.

Mental Health/Parenting/Coaching:
- Positive Coach Alliance
- Imago Communication (a tool to aid in communication with your child- or anyone)
- Why our children/athletes trigger us
- An introduction to “Parts Work” and Internal Family Systems
- Heads Up Baseball- Playing the Game One Pitch at a Time
- The Power of Showing Up: How parental presence shapes who our kids become and their brains get wired
- How to talk so teens will listen and listen so teens will talk
- What Happened to you? Conversations on trauma, resilience, and healing
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
- It didn’t start with you- how inherited family trauma shapes who we are and how to end the cycle
- The Body Keeps the Score
- Why Hello Elbow is Ineffective
- Softball Pitching Myths: Hello Elbow
- Softball Pitching Myths: Hip Angle
- What IS Hello Elbow?
- Why You Shouldn’t Tell Pitchers to “Get Open”
- Rick Pauly (Pauly Girl Fastpitch)
- Ken Krause- Life in the Fastpitch Lane Blog
- Elite Softball Training (Jesse Rosenhahn)
- Adarian Barr Instagram
- Jay Bolden- Be Bold Fastpitch
- United Pitching Academy (James Clark)
- Fastpitch Physics (Rob Hales)
- Schober Fastpitch IR Academy
- Linda Lensch- Greased Lightning Fastpitch
- GRITNJ Instagram
- Rich S Instagram
- Antonelli Instagram
- OnBaseU Instagram
- The Farm System Instagram
- Ken Krause- Life in the Fastpitch Lane (Hitting Section)
Catching, Fielding, Throwing:
- Why do instructors push back against Internal Rotation?
- How to Pick a Private Coach
- Parents are the worst part of youth sports (but its not what you think)
- Positive Coach Alliance
For Families: